And just like that another amazing weekend has flown by – hope everyone was able to catch at least a taste of it! We were busy at the annual Glasgow Lands Scottish Festival in Florence/Northampton, MA on Saturday. It’s an all day event held every year at Look Park (which is a place I love to hold photo sessions!) filled with men in kilts, piping bands, Highland dancing, athletic competitions and Celtic music. There’s also a Celtic Pub where I volunteered for the second year to pour for a local brewery. Oh and there’s also haggis – the band Enter the Haggis – as well as the dish of unknown/unmentionable ingredients. I don’t suggest you eat either.
Don’t Google it. Trust me on this. You’ll thank me later. But *do* Google the band. They are like Celtic Rock gods. And they’ve been on Regis and Kelly. So they’re kinda awesome rock stars in general. I’ll stop fawning over them now, lest they think I am some creepy stalker girl. Which I totally am.
The weather was great (and HOT!) up here in the Northeast, so we spent the last part of the weekend hanging with our family around the pool. I even introduced my aunt to her first s’more. My munchkin man, Adam, had a blast swimming and even more hamming it up for the camera!
Here’s to more s’mores, swimming and sunny weekends!!! What did you do this past weekend?