I had the privilege to photograph little miss Emma, the daughter of my good friend April. Emma is a spunky, fun and energetic girl and she happened to turn 4 this past May. She had an awesome birthday party at the Holyoke Carousel where I got some fun shots of the day, but we didn’t have loads of time for her portraits. So we set up a date a few weeks ago with just Emma to get some great pictures of her. We shot some in her backyard, and some at a farm in Belchertown, MA. She had so much fun running through the fields and blowing dandelions. Here are some pictures from the day!
Live Free or Die…or well maybe just suffer a little bit
So the blog went on a little vacation and all I got was…backed up with a million things to do.
But really, I do apologize about the little hiccup in posting. The workshop in Salt Lake City with Nichole Van was amazing to say the least. It was really like a bootcamp. I learned skills, shed tears and made friends with some very impressive photographers. Nichole herself was so warm, accommodating and full of knowledge. I seriously wish I could download everything in her brain and upload it to mine. I’m anxious to start introducing lots of what I’ve learned into my work and business, including some of the off camera flash skills I learned. This are two of my favorite picture from our model shoot (using those off camera flash techniques). They are a bit more “fashion” than I normally do, but something about them grab me.
In other news – we’ve landed (though we drove…so really ignore the word choice) in New Hampshire. This is really a beautiful area, and I intend to share some pictures of it, except it’s pouring rain right now. I am anxious to get settled into our new house though (sometime in October). So bear with me if there is spotty blogging…we are in a new area and I’m trying to acclimate all of us to it while also trying to get everything in order and straightened out. Also, if you are familiar with the Lakes Region of New Hampshire and have any must sees/must dos/must eat ats please send them my way!
Monday Musings – quick edition because I’m busier than mustard trying to ketchup…
Operation “Pack Up All Our Crap” is underway…
We leave our first home as a family in ten days. TEN DAYS. I’m feeling so torn. My family and friends are all in the area, and I’ve really never left home apart from college. But on the other hand – it’s a new chapter, new area and fresh canvas (i.e. walls) to decorate! I plan on being down here so often that I won’t realize a difference (except for the drive).
If knowledge is power I’m about to go on a power trip…
I figured moving wasn’t stressful enough for me, so I’m heading out of town for a few days in order to be super stressed when I get back. I’m actually heading out to Salt Lake City to attend a workshop with the incredible, Nichole Van. And truthfully, I had this planned long before we even got an offer on our house, let alone settled on a closing date. I am as excited as a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving about this workshop.
FAQ’s (or lack thereof…)
My FAQ section is woefully empty. My email inbox or comments section would be so happy if you’d send some love and questions their way. Then I’ll get right on answering them and posting them. And believe me if it’s something you are curious about – you probably aren’t the only one.
Eric and Kristina’s Vivid Fall Wedding in Northampton, MA
Do you have your life vests on yet? Is everyone prepped in their canoes/kayaks/arks? Here in New England, and in Western Massachusetts in particular, are just getting hammered with this rain. While we don’t need it (meanwhile Texas could surely use it), it is allowing me to get caught up on lots of things I’ve been putting off – like organizing my hard drive for one. If you are just starting out in photography, be it for pleasure or profession, set down how you will organize things from day one. Find a system that works and stick with it.
During my clean up/clean out I found some images I captured at another wedding I assisted Jenn at Jennifer Bullock Photography with. I was on hand to assist with, and not specifically second-shoot, this Western Massachusetts wedding but Jenn invited me to shoot since I had my camera with me. Eric and Kristina were an adorable couple and their families were just so warm and loving. Kristina completely sparkled, from her beautiful wedding gown all the way to the love for Eric that just radiated from her eyes. The wedding ceremony was at the serene Pines theater at Look Park in Florence, MA (a village of Northampton, MA). I love that location – it can very easily be turned into an Enchanted Forest look for wedding or engagement photo sessions and it’s a super fun spot to spend for a family photo session.
As always, thanks again to Jenn Bullock for being an amazing teacher and thanks to the absolutely wonderful Kristina and Eric. I hope you are having a blissful married life (and hope that the recent bad weather has missed you guys!). Here are some of my favorite images from the day!
Labor Day Edition Monday Musings | Western Massachusetts Photographer
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday weekend! I actually relaxed quite a bit, despite being pretty busy. Checking in with this week’s Monday Musings edition – like always feel free to just look at the pretty pictures and skip over the text if you’re pressed for time!
Amber turns…well…she had another birthday.
My sister from another mister had yet another birthday this past Saturday. These things are starting to turn into annual events. While this birthday was nowhere near as eventful as last year’s celebration (for one thing – there was no car accident this year) we had a blast going to dinner and a movie. More celebrations, in the form of going to see a performance of Wicked, are on tap. In the meantime – here’s her pretty face.
Apple Picking
I decided that it would be a great idea to go apple picking with all my boys yesterday. Apple picking with the boys looks a lot like me picking apples and the boys playing catch with the drops.
Regardless, we got a pretty good bounty of Cortlands. I’ve been getting into a crazy canning kick lately – so I might make some apple butter with them. Or pies. Or turnovers. Or this pretty awesome kid might just eat them all.
Grandpa’s Birthday
Sunday was also the annual celebration of my Grandpa’s birthday. He and Amber actually share the same day, but we usually have a big two day cookout Labor Day weekend with my family to celebrate Grandpa. This year he’s 82 years young! While it was pretty low key compared to past years (clambakes, belly dancers, you name it – we’ve rocked it) it was a nice get together and I can’t wait for next year’s! It was also one of the last cookouts of the year we’ll have.
So…what did you do this weekend? Hit me up in the comments!